Varvara Valtchanova

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Име и фамилия

Varvara Valtchanova


I’m an architect specialized in earth building techniques. I have also developed interests in permaculture. I always seek new ways to achieve more with less.


ул. Радецки 27

Телефонен номер



Bulgarian, French, English, German, Spanish

Имейл за контакт

[email protected]

PDC сертифициране (диплома, ако е приложимо

Дата на ПДС


ПДС курс воден от

Hugo Oliveira and Lesley Martin

ПДС издаден от

Association Novas Descobertas

Form and place of course (online or onsite)


Интереси, опит и квалификации

Списък на интересите, опитностите и квалификациите

I’m interested in ecological building, new intensive ways of farming, circular economy principles and also in traditional herbal medicine.

I have 25 years of experience as an architect and have organized trainings on ecological building in Bulgaria and in Europe.

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