The Permaculture ethics and principles coloring book is being translated in Bulgarian!

Hello dear ones,

Happy summer! We are officially in summer and enjoying its abundance and deliciousness and also the unbearable heat, but let’s not complain.

My coordinator Mihaela has been in Norway for the past two weeks, as part of the “Capacity Building of Permaculture in Bulgaria 2.0” project. She and her partner visited, interview and filmed many LAND centers all around Norway. She has been keeping us updated and sharing her impressions. Before they left, we printed and prepared a few copies of the materials that we have done so far, so that we can share the fruits of our work. The first presents went to Helene Bohler, who is a part of the Norwegian Permaculture association and the creator of LAND in Norway. From the pictures and the information they shared while being there, we already got so many new ideas, but I can’t wait for them to come back and share even more.

We also got some great news! We got the official permission to translate the coloring book “Permaculture ethics and principles” by Lucie Bardos, Heather Jo Flores and Marit Parker, in Bulgarian. It is an interesting interactive book that teaches about permaculture in a very approachable way while having the fun of coloring the lovely illustrations. The main characters are the curious Glarfles (who are fantasy creatures) and they jump from page to page of the book learning about permaculture, as the authors say. I am happy that the book will be enjoyed by people also in our native language.

Inspired by the summer heat, daily runaways to the forest and some materials that my coordinator Mihaela sent me, I made this poster about the stages of the growth of the forest that is also tightly connected to the eight permaculture principle of Bill Mollison. In the poster there is shown how much more biodiversity is there in older ecosystems than the younger ones, the years range that is necessary for each process to happen, as well as some characteristics.


I hope you had a lovely welcoming of the summer solstice.



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