Hello dear ones,
This week I had the amazing opportunity to participate in the ESC midterm evaluation training. We gathered for three days in a hotel in Sofia. We were around forty volunteers guided in two groups that were guided by four trainers. I will write more when I have more photos (as they are still being uploaded on a cloud) and when I integrate more of what happened. Each of the organization had a presentation on their hosting organization and their project. Below I am posting my drawing for my presentation.
I finished the design for the spiral herb garden. The idea is to plant herbs that don’t grow wildly in my property and I would like to use them. It is not the regular herb garden as this type is usually used for having a fresh herbs for the kitchen, but I will use the plants for making floral water and perfume.
I started the process by thinking of where I would put this element. I know this is not the best way because in the implementation of this element in the actual design (that is not ready yet) its location can change, but for the sake of the experiment bare with me. The outer end of the spiral will be facing north, as the water for the lake will be coming from the outdoor tap. The west side of the spiral will have the house as a shade keeper, but from the east and south side, it will have enough sun. The radius will be 1 meter as well as the height of the spiral. For building material I will use old bricks, that are from my neighbor’s old house, and he allowed me to use them.
I still haven’t decided if I will put some plant in the lake because I haven’t made the research yet. I know that mint loves water, because below the tap there is growing a lot of mentha spicata, that I have never planted. So the first two parts of the spiral are dedicated for strawberry mint and lemon mint. After that the plan is to continue with basil, this is the only herb that I will actually use in food from the spiral garden. Then: calendula, lemon balm, white sage, lemon grass (which I will use for tea), chamomile and on the top lavender.
It was an interesting and creative process creating this design, and I had so much fun.
I wish you a lovely weekend,