LAND network in Denmark

This video is also part of our LAND network series, but this time in Denmark. Featured is Cathrine Dolleris, who tells her story and the one of her home – the LAND center – “Kattekærhus”, which is based on the island Orø. the second place you will see in the video is the community garden Køge Fælles Jord.

For more information about LAND in Denmark: Permakultur Danmark – LAND Centres, and the starting network in Bulgaria: Permaculture Association of Bulgaria

The movie is created as part of the Green School Village project – Capacity Building of Permaculture in Bulgaria 2.0, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Camera: Ivaylo Penchev
Editing: Ivaylo Penchev
Subtitles: Marija Pencheva


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