Merry Christmas

Hello dear ones,

Unfortunately, on one hand, there was too much snow for the weekend and the workshop for the Christmas wreaths, with the kids, was canceled. Many of the villages in the Kyustendil area were left with roads that were not cleaned from the snow and no electricity, so this made it impossible for us to do the workshop. Maybe it will be transferred in January, but for now I do not have much information about it. On the other hand, it was a wonderful winter fairy tale.

I continued with reading the Bill Molisson’s “Permaculture: a designer’s manual”. The book is from 1988, and it is fascinating how we are still dealing with the same and similar problems in the world. In the second chapter, he goes in depth with the principles, especially the one about the yield. I maybe mentioned in some of the previous blogs, but I love how what he writes is applicable for permaculture, global systems and personal life at the same time.

Everything he writes about as being a problem in this world, which in a simple one phrase can be put in “over consumption and unsustainability”, is a common sense if we just took a minute to give it a thought. I truly recommend this book, even if you do not have any interest in permaculture, a read through will give you either an “Aha” moment or something to dwell upon.

I started watching a PDC course from Bill Molisson taped lectures, that I found on Udemy. Likewise, I believe it will enrich the knowledge from the book.

I also started making the templates of how one session would look like. It is something totally new for me, and it is a little bit scary and exciting at the same time. I hope you all have joyful holidays and that Santa brings you everything you wished for.

This is my favorite time of the year and walking around and enjoying Christmas decorations is my favorite hobby. I decided to share some of the beauty from our walk after working hours with my coordinator. Have a jolly holidays!






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