My first PDC in Cob

-We studied the soil and made different types of compost.
-We studied plants and learned how to root and add some species to others.
-We taught the types of energy and made simple devices that work without electricity.
-We studied natural construction and consolidated our knowledge by building a rocket stove.
-While getting to know mushrooms, we practiced methods of growing them. The knowledge gained was immediately reinforced by practice.

All our teachers were very charming and charismatic. These were people who were truly in love with what they were doing. Christos Kontomanos, Christos Karystinos, Kostas Kontomanos, Annachiara Bucci, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Everything in COB was interconnected – every detail, plant, person. The place was pulsating like one living beautiful organism:

.People grow plants, plants provide food, shade, comfort, protection, building material, fertilizer.

.The sun helps plants grow and bear fruit, provides energy for electricity, and heats water.

.When it rains, water is collected from the roofs and then used to water the plants.

.The water used for cooking and bathing is filtered and also used to water the garden.

.Food from the garden is consumed by people and animals, and organic waste and anything left in the toilet is turned into fertilizer for the garden.

.Each person in Cob has his own responsibilities, but free time is also spent actively with songs, dances, and intensive practices. Meetings are held regularly to make decisions on key issues. No one watches anyone and no one commands anyone. Every member of this society is aware of their responsibility and role in the common cause.

The people on the course were wonderful! Kind, open, searching and creative.
And the evenings… The evenings were magical! Guitars, drums, songs, massages, psychological practices. I didn’t want to leave…
And when I arrived home, I was overcome by depression from the real and not so ideal world in which I live..
But I have hope.

The main conclusions I made during the PDC:
1. When performing any task, especially physical work, there should be at least 30% fun, games, laughter, entertainment.
2. Space and surroundings take care of me.
3. Not all utopias remain in books and films. There are also those who live and exist in the real world.
4. Difficult for one person, but together it’s easy and fun.


Thank you, Green school village, Cob Greece end Erasmus+ program for the opportunity to have such wonderful experiece! Building with Earth

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