New skills make our life richer


Hello dear ones,

I am so happy for the opportunity to be able to share my contribution to this organization, once again. This time around I am a volunteer for a long term project where I will be helping with making study materials for a Permaculture Design Course in Bulgaria and the development of the LAND network.

This week I started with translating on Bulgarian language the cards about David Holmgren’s permaculture principles, that my fellow volunteer Vyara did on English. What sounds like a simple task turned out not to be so much, but I learned so much, and I am so grateful for some of the difficulties along the way. The cards were made in Canva, but there was some problem (I will spare you the details) so I had to re-do them in Photoshop, which was a first time for me. Baby steps, but I learned so much about this program. At first, it took so much time and there were so many questions I had, but then by the middle I was really in the flow. I am really excited with exploring this program even more, because I can see it has a lot of value.

Another benefit from this task was that I got to learn the principles and really understand them in order to be able to translate them, so that they will be understood in Bulgarian as well and not just literally translate them.

The idea with this task is to make two-sided cards, one on Bulgarian and one on English, that will be used in the study sessions, as teaching materials and maybe included in some exercises.

I started reading Bill Mollison’s “Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual”, taking notes on it and brainstorming on possible exercises for the PDC. It is really interesting how I know that what I am doing has a value and a contribution to the community but also it enriches my personal life. In the first few sentences Mollison mentions the term “earth care”. Just like we care and look after ourselves, our bodies, our houses/flats we should care and look after our beautiful home which is the earth itself. He also talks a lot about personal responsibility all throughout the chapter, and this is something we should be all thinking and practicing in this day and age in relation to all life.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!







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