Preparations for a Christmas workshop

Hello dear ones,

Few weeks ago I got a call from a friend of mine, who is a founder of the family initiative called “Live soul”, for both children and parents, and I was offered to host a workshop for the children. I discussed it with my coordinator, if I can incorporate my help in this workshop as a part of my volunteering in the project. She agreed and was very supportive about it.

The initiative formed this year in September, and since then every month, twice or three times a month, parents and their children gather during one of the weekend days. The workshop is usually on a subject that is not taught in the regular school system, such as pottery or cooking. A beautiful exchange is happening for both children and parents. And the number of kids visiting is growing and growing. My friend (the founder) is homeschooling her children, so this was a way for her children to socialize more. The workshops are either held at her family barn that is now turned into an art atelier or at the children’s vacation center “Live with love” in the village of Smolichano.

When I got the call I got a little nervous to be honest, I had no idea what my workshop will be about, but then it unraveled itself. Christmas is coming, and I love Christmas decoration, so this can be my subject- I thought to myself. Easier said than done, I didn’t know how to make any. Thankfully, these days we have the information needed only if we have the motivation to learn, and I had it. YouTube has video tutorials, for whatever your heart desires, so with their help I started making Christmas wreaths with natural materials. I even have posted the picture from the first wreath I made, which turned out pretty good.

Up left: putting the pine tree branches in the car

Middle left: cutting hazelnut branches

Down left: collecting pine cones

Up right: my first ever Christmas wreath

Down right: picking rose hips


This week among the work of working on the teaching materials, I had to spend some time gathering the materials for the workshop, and since there will be around 20 children coming, there were plenty of materials to be gathered. The materials I use are pine tree, hemp rope, wool, pine cones and rose hips.

As the news spread for the workshop around my friends, I got the information from where I can find the materials without making harm to nature. So I found out that in one of my friends village, an excavator accidentally took out a pine tree, so all the branches were gathered from it. While going for the pine tree, I saw a lot of wild Willow and Hazelnut trees growing really close together, so I cut consciously so they will have space to grow. I also found rose hips and pine cones there. And the wool and hemp rope, I bought from the store.

So I am ready for the workshop with the materials, I have my “Mrs. Santa Claus” costume ready, I just hope that the roads are clean from the snow, so I can actually arrive at Smolichano tomorrow, which is pretty high in the mountains.

P.s.: I will write on the blog next week how it all went…

Wish me luck,








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