Translating & Logo-making My Way Through The Week

Hey everyone! Alex here, and I’m ready to tell you all about the previous week in my life as a GSV volunteer.

This week was all about translation and logo work, so you can be sure I did a lot related to that. In the first part of the week, my main task was to finalise and check the translation of two iACT documents we need for the upcoming LAND training as I mentioned to you in my post last week. The week started off with some light checking and editing of the workbook as well, and I also got to work on the PDC course for a little bit. But the major part of the first half of last week was actually taken up by making the new LAND logo design — adapting the original English version into Bulgarian. This week was one of feedback and amends, which meant I made a few versions and a few edits until landing the final versions you can see below. Once the original version was adapted in Bulgarian though, we also thought it would be nice in English as well, which is why we also adjusted the English version to properly represent the project and our association. Even though it isn’t fully ready at this point, you can see the results of my work below.

In the second part of the week, I got to help Poli with finalising and formatting the Bulgarian translation of the iACT handbook. This was super fun and reminded me of my copywriting past, where my job was mostly related to formatting and writing my way through Google Docs. With our luck, we got to finish the job a bit early and I even got to do a little bit of website admin work in the meantime. All in all, it was a lot of fun and I’m quite excited about the LAND training that’s to come very soon. Actually, by the time you read this, we will already be at the LAND training, which is why I decided to write this a bit early in order to be able to fully commit myself to the experience of volunteering in Ezerets.

For those of you who don’t know, we’re hosting a LAND training based on iACT, which started this week, on September 5th and will gather a few of our local and foreign friends, who will join us at the Bee’s Garden in Ezerets, Bulgaria so we can make its assessment as a potential LAND Center site. We will also be joining a potential LAND site in Sofia, Bulgaria at the end of the training. You can expect to learn more about it next week.

This is it from me for now, hope you have a pleasant weekend!

See you soon,


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