Permaculture Association of Bulgaria

The PAB branch of GSV is an internationally recognized accrediting organization for the certification of permaculture designers and educators, as well as for LAND demonstration centers.
The country’s permaculture development strategy envisions the launch of a diploma system for more advanced designers.

What you will find here?

LAND Center

Accredited LAND center - for Permaculture demonstration and training, part of the LAND network of Bulgaria

LAND Candidate

A project that is in the process of meeting the criteria for achieving accreditation for a LAND center in Bulgaria

Certified teachers

Members of the Association - based in Bulgaria, who have a certificate of completed course for Permaculture Design Teachers

Certified designers

Members of the Association - based in Bulgaria, who have completed a 72-hour course in Permaculture Design with a Certificate (PDC)

LAND coordinators

Members who coordinate and support the network on behalf of the Association

LAND advisors

Members who are more advanced in Permaculture design and can advise candidate centers

LAND tutors

Members who are very advanced in Permaculture design and teaching, who can directly mentor candidate centers


Events in the LAND network

Diploma holders

A designer accredited with a Diploma for a minimum of 2 years of Applied Permaculture Design work with a Diploma tutor

Diploma tutors

A Diploma holder who is open to take a Diploma aspirant

Diploma aspirants

A PDC holder who is taking the Diploma for Applied Permaculture Design journey

Diploma works

Portfolios of diploma holders

What is Permaculture?

The term “permaculture” comes from the unification of two others in search of a way out of the ecological crisis of the world – easily recognizable in the unhealthy forms of conventional agriculture – agriculture. Subsequently, thought expands to the level of human culture in general, or as Cicero said in the past, when he first gave the meaning of the word “culture” known today – “The soul must be cultivated as the earth”, shifting the focus from the particle “agri “In the phrase.

What is a LAND Center?

In this video we look at one of the ways in which a permaculture project can be developed by becoming part of the LAND network. In the short film we meet Katrine Doleris, who is the coordinator of “LAND” in Scandinavia. The place we give as an example is Helena and Stefan’s farm, which is located in Sweden. The film was created under a project of “Green School Village” to increase the capacity of Permaculture in Bulgaria and is co-financed by the European program Erasmus +.

The LAND Network (UK)

In this video, we explore again the LAND network, this time in the UK where it comes from. Featured are members of the Permaculture Association, who tell the past and present history of the network while we visit some centres there and talk to the people from the community.

British Diploma Process (UK)

In this video, we look at one of the ways you can develop as a Permaculture designer by starting to work on your Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design. In this short film, we meet Joe Atkinson, who is a Permaculture designer and teacher in the UK, but is also a diploma tutor. He talks about one of his designs for his diploma dissertation, which is dedicated to his home in Leeds.

Nordic Diploma Process (Denmark)

In this video, we explore how one can develop their Permaculture Design skills by working towards a diploma for Applied Permaculture Design. Featured is Catrine Dolleris, who is the LAND coordinator for the Nordic countries, but is also showing parts of her diploma and her LAND centre in Denmark.


Kosters Trädgårdar

The first thing you notice when you arrive at Kosters Trädgårdar is the smell of the sea, earth and freshly baked bread. This is a calm place where you can stroll around the lush organic garden, taste good food made with nutritious ingredients and at the same time enjoy art and music.

Permakultur Danmark

In its essence, permaculture is solution-oriented and is continuously more wide-spread as more and more people are informed about and grasp those opportunities of action we have of rebuilding and increasing the natural resources.

Permaculture Assosiation

With permaculture, people are treading lightly on our planet, in harmony with nature. Taking care of people and fellow creatures. Making sure that we can sustain human activities for many generations to come. Culture change not climate change!




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