We will participate in the Хисарлъка Experience festival next weekend!

Hello dear ones,


I am coming back from my mini-birthday-vacation at the seaside, refreshed and enthusiastic about all new things coming up. Last year, when I started my short term volunteering project with Green School Village, we had the chance to visit an amazing festival in the Kyustendil region called Hisarlaka Experience. The festival is quite new, this year it will be its fifth edition, but the quality is outstanding. Starting from the location, which is a fortress that was firstly built at the end of the IV century, right above what we know today as the city of Kyustendil. The sunsets there remind me of one quote from one movie which goes – “You see that sunset there, I just want to jump into it and never comeback”. This combined with high quality musicians, a marketplace with interesting small business owners, delicious food and workshops area for both kids and grown-ups makes it my kind of festival. And why I am telling you this? It is not to promote the festival, which would be totally worth it on its own, but to share the wonderful news that our project will be a part of it. We will have our tent in the children’s area. The festival starts 12th of July, Friday until 14th of July, Sunday. We will be there the three days doing activities with the kids. We will present them with what we have done so far, and also with what we are working on now, like a game about the process of decomposing materials, and that is all I can tell you so far.

This week has been filled with brainstorming, meetings and working on the new materials. I have to also mention that the organizing team of the festival has been super helpful and professional. We really signed up for it in the last minute since some of our planned workshops got delayed, but still the communication with the organization has been going really smooth, and they said that they will keep our contact so we can be in the program next years as well.

So, you know where to find us next weekend. It will be super fun and super cool, I can promise you that.




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