My impressions of the PDC course in Greece

Hello, in this post I want to tell you about my impressions from my PDC course in Greece this spring. Signing up for the course, I wanted to learn more about how to grow healthy plants, create a sustainable ecosystem, build with earth materials and generally learn more about permaculture. Traveling through beautiful Greece was … Read more

Meeting with Varvara from Hisarya and Katya from Community Urban bio-garden Vitosha

Hello all! This week was a really busy and interesting one! In Tuesday me, Maria and our supervisor Misha met with Varvara- a member of our organization. She is an ukrainian living in Bulgaria. The goal of the meeting was to speak about creating a Solidarity project in her place in Hisarya. She has a … Read more

Preparation for Hisarlaka Experience and visiting a possible LAND center

Hello all! This week was a really exciting one. As Maria already told you in her blogpost we are now preparing for the festival “Hisarlaka experience” which will take place this weekend (12-14th of July) in a fortress with an amazing view in Kyustendil. Our organization will do a workshop on the topic of Permaculture … Read more

Интервю с Мер от „Земя назаем“- Част 2

Здравейте! Това е втора част на интервюто с вдъхновяващата Мер от „Земя Назаем“, която е вече и официален член на организацията ни. Приятно четене! П: Как прилагаш сакралната архитектура в своя живот? М: Това е начин на живот, следва да се прилага ежедневно. Докато шофирам, докато ходя, докато готвя… внимавам да не съм в ума … Read more

We will participate in the Хисарлъка Experience festival next weekend!

Hello dear ones,   I am coming back from my mini-birthday-vacation at the seaside, refreshed and enthusiastic about all new things coming up. Last year, when I started my short term volunteering project with Green School Village, we had the chance to visit an amazing festival in the Kyustendil region called Hisarlaka Experience. The festival … Read more

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