Interview with Veronika and discussion about the good practices at The Gates (Portite)

Hello beautiful people reading this blog, This entry is to present one of the members of the Green School Village association who is also my host at The Gates (Portite) in Dolen. She is Veronika Borisova and has been here since the beginning of Spring 2023 working in the house and implementing new initiatives in … Read more

The Adventure “Leader in Me 4.0” – Kmetija Veles 9-18.08.2023

Having previously experienced non-formal education and youth exchanges through the Erasmus+ programs, when I came across information about the upcoming course “Leader in Me 4.0” in Kmetija Veles, Slovenia, there was no doubt in my mind that I want to be a part of this experience. I had already heard about this beautiful place nestled … Read more

Week 72: Interview with a candidate for LAND center; the uses of zeolite in your garden. Vlad and Nikolina about design in permaculture.

Marija: Eversince I arrived in Bulgaria on my on-arrival training that took place in a natural estate called Blagodat, I had the idea and inspiration to interview the owner. I believe that this kinds of people and stories should be shared more often in order to inspire other people and to show that there is … Read more

Week 71- The celebration of the holiday the Assumption of Mary and delicious traditional food, printing and laminating study material. A short history about permaculture.

Hello dear ones, it’s Marija This week, people in Bulgaria were celebrating the Assumption of Mary. I don’t have  information about every part of Bulgaria, but in Kyustendil area it is celebrated by a ritual called “lifting the bread”. I was invited by friends from Kyustendil to come for the celebration, and it was truly … Read more

week 70 – A story of a permaculture garden in the city; Tips on applying permaculture principles in an office. History of permaculture.

Hello dear ones, it’s Marija This week, I decided to use my vacation days to come back to my home country and take a driving license exam. It felt very nice being with my parents and enjoying my hometown. Everywhere we go, we can find inspiration, so this week I will be sharing with you, … Read more

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